Fire Alarm System

Services we can provide,
We maintain, supply and check security systems for fire.
We install, maintain and check Fire Pumps.

We provide high-quality engineered fire alarm systems that are suitable for residential and commercial buildings.
We have an internal team of designers and engineers.
We offer all kinds of Fire Repairs to Utility Systems.
Fire Hydrant Tests as well as System Flushes.
We regularly inspect and maintain fire extinguishers.
We are capable of assisting you in the difficult problem of ensuring conformity with the Authority with Jurisdiction.


As per the Alberta Fire Code 2019, Fire Alarm Systems must be maintained in a functional state and must be examined and tested in compliance with the CAN/ULC-S536. This standard sets out the minimum requirements. However, higher standards could require your insurance provider depending on the kind of facility.


Each day, the alarm control panel must be inspected to ensure that the panel is powered on and no signal for trouble is displayed. The check could be made by the owner of the building or tenant and must be documented in the form of a log.


A quick examination of the system’s panel batteries and at least one other device that is connected to the system must be done each month. It must be done by a trained technician. While it is a requirement of The Fire Code, this is not often implemented by the local authority on a proactive basis. However, a post-incident investigation is likely to require documents of these checks. failing to perform them can be a source of liability in the case of a system malfunction.


Every year, the entire Fire Alarm system must be checked for its functioning. This includes checking each heat and smoke detector, each manually operated pull station, as well as all connections with other Industrial Fire Alarm Systems (sprinklers or suppression systems fan shutdowns.). Based on the complexity and size of your system, it could range from an hour to a few days. A majority of commercial buildings are completed in a single day or even less. The construction of large residential structures could take a few days if you need to have access to hundreds of suites. Certain industrial sites that are particularly complex may take a bit longer. The majority of annual inspections require two technicians and will be charged per hour. Since every system is unique the most effective method to get an estimate for the price to conduct an inspection would be to supply us with an earlier inspection or verification report including a complete list of devices.


Testing on a monthly basis is usually conducted by one technician and annual inspections can be performed for smaller and basic systems. The annual inspections of most systems will require two technicians: one on the panel and the other to test the device. The team will examine each initiating device that belongs to the unit by activating the device or for single-use devices, slashing the wires that supervise. The devices for signaling (bells or horns/strobes) are disabled as the test continues. The bells will be tested in a single session or in sections for buildings with large amounts. The test can last about the same amount of time as a short stroll through the entire structure and can be completed whenever it is convenient for the customer. Some prefer to use the bell test for an emergency drill, whereas others prefer to test it during the lunch hour when the majority of employees are free to leave the premises.

If there are any issues within the system, there are two possibilities for what can occur. Minor issues may be fixed by the technician prior to leaving If the repair requires major labor or parts the client representative should be present to sign off on the work. If the issue is not resolved immediately, the technician will provide a quote when possible, and a follow-up maintenance plan will be scheduled if the request is the request is approved. Any serious issue that affects the system is identified by our site contact.


There are a few things clients must consider in preparation to be ready for an examination.

Post notices – In a residential property, each tenant must be informed at least 48 hours before the time that testing will be conducted. Additionally, access is required to any room with a device within, and tenants have to be informed of this in addition.

Monitoring – Most devices for fire detection are monitored and controlled by a company or another monitoring service. The function of the monitoring company is to notify the firefighters in the event that an alarm goes off by your system. While performing tests the monitoring provider has to be informed, so that they don’t initiate an emergency response from the fire department. The customer will have to notify their monitoring company prior to the beginning and after the end of the testing.

Access – Technicians must have access to all areas of the structure that are home to fire Alarm devices. This includes server rooms, mechanical rooms, suites for residential, and any other area that has an alarm or signaling device. Set up a plan to supply technicians access to keys, or an escort if needed.

Elevators feature a device high up on the shaft. The technician will require access to the device and require an elevator service technician to assist in the process. It is recommended to make each month’s Elevator service appointment for the same day as your alarm inspection so that you do not incur the additional cost of service from your elevator service provider.

Device List – In the event that it is the first time that we conduct an inspection on a device the customer should submit an original copy of the prior year’s report of inspection or an installation verification report. This should contain an inventory of all the devices that are on the system. This list can make the inspection easier which will save time and cost.


If alarm bells are going off, evacuate as soon as you can and dial 911.
In the event that your system is flashing any warning signs of trouble, it is saying something is wrong and that repair may be needed. The first thing to do is take a photograph or video. Some panels are able to report problems however many don’t. To help a technician identify the issue they should understand exactly what it is saying. Sometimes, the problem doesn’t persist long enough for technicians to reach the site, therefore it is crucial to document the activity of the panel. A majority of panels come with additional indicators that you will only see if the door is open so be sure to get it open and take a photograph of it too. Contact us.

When you call our technician, they’ll need you to explain the function of the panel and then send us the image that you took, and perhaps utilize a few of the buttons to obtain more information. If the technician is able to determine the issue is not urgent we can arrange a regular service call within a couple of days to look into and fix the issue. If the issue is a critical one, you’ll be given an immediate callout. The emergency call-out rate applies to any late-night or weekend work and any time we have to end other scheduled work within normal working hours. Call-outs for emergencies have a minimum cost that is applicable regardless of whether the decision chosen is a swift simple or insufficient solution.

Contact Us

Please note that all forms and emails will be replied to within 24 hours. For immediate assistance, call 780-469-1220.

    Fire alarm inspection and maintenance. Get a quote today!


    As per the new 2019 Alberta Fire Code, Water-Based Fire Protection Systems have to be maintained in good working order and be checked and tested according to NFPA 25. Fire protection systems that are water-based include standpipes, sprinkler systems, public and private hydrants, systems of hoses stationary water sprayers and foam-water sprinkler systems as well as fire pump systems. This standard specifies the minimum requirements. However, higher standards might be demanded by your insurance provider depending on the nature of facility.


    A brief inspection is required every three months for certain parts of the system such as Pressure Gauges Water-flow Devices and supervisory Devices. While it is required under the Fire Code, this is not always implemented locally by authorities. But, an investigation after the incident usually requires the reports of the inspections. Failure to perform the quarterly inspections can result in the liability of the company in the event of the system failing.


    Each year, all the components of the system have to be tested and inspected. Alongside the items that are checked every quarter, it also includes a visual inspection of the entire system from below which means having access across the whole space within the structure is necessary. Also, it is necessary to check all fittings, gauges, drains, valves, and antifreeze as well as fire department hookups wrenches, spare heads, as well as data plates. Also, the Backflow Preventor device should also be examined in conjunction with the Backflow Preventor device in accordance with the requirements of Water Utilities (EPCOR). Based on the complexity and size of your system this could take anything between an hour and several days. The majority of commercial structures are completed in a time of a day. Residential buildings of large size could take a couple of days when you need to gain access to a large number of suites. Industrial sites could take longer. The majority of annual commercial inspections will need only one technician. As every system is different, the best way to obtain an estimate for the cost of an inspection is to provide us with a previous inspection report, along with the size (sq ft) of the building and approximate allocation of space (office/warehouse/shop/apartments/etc).


    Alongside the regular annual maintenance and inspection, additional work could be required on a 3- or 5-year basis based on the kind of system. This may include hydro-static tests, flow-test pressure tests, as well as obstruction investigations. The majority of these tasks are performed by two techs and will take at least a half day.


    Inspections every quarter and annually are usually conducted by a single technician. Technicians will divide the time in between checking the system components in the valve room, and then conducting a visual inspection of the heads and piping throughout the area of protection. This will include checking the connection to your Fire Alarm panel (if connected) and the customer must call their alarm monitoring company to inform them of the test.

    If there are any issues in the system, there are two possibilities for what can occur. Minor issues may be addressed by the technician before he leaves When the fix involves the use of any components or labor the client representative should be present to sign off on the work. If the issue is not fixed immediately, it will be reported on the inspection report and a quotation will be given in the event that it is feasible and a follow-up maintenance schedule will be set after approval. Any serious issue with the system will be brought to the attention of our on-site contact.


    There are some things clients must consider in preparation in advance for a visit.

    Notice to post – when in a residence, each tenant must be informed at least 48 hours prior to when an inspection is scheduled to take place. Access is required to any unit that has a sprinkler head within.

    Monitoring – The majority of systems for alarms are monitored through a company or another monitoring company. The function of a monitoring company is to inform the fire department when an alarm triggers within your system. A part of testing the sprinkler system involves testing for the proper communication to the Fire Alarm panel. In the course of tests, the monitoring company is required to be informed to ensure they don’t initiate an emergency response from the fire department. The customer will have to inform their monitoring provider prior to starting and following the conclusion of the testing.

    Access – Technicians need access to every part of the building that has sprinkler protection. This includes server rooms, mechanical rooms as well as residential rooms. Make sure that technicians have keys or escorts when needed.


    Don’t panic.

    Freeze UPS

    Do not freeze the pipes. Turn off your fire alarm (if there is one). Contact us, and let our technician take an initial look. In many instances, it’s much quicker and more efficient to finish repair work in the event that the melt is conducted in a controlled fashion.

    It is necessary to set fire watches in the area shut down until the service is restored.

    Note that any weekend or after-hours service or moment we have to cancel any other scheduled work in order to send someone out to your premises is deemed an emergency call-out and the minimum charges or overtime rates will apply.